Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1769.02.02

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Index Entry Music, in New York, in procession, for election of representatives 
Location New York 
2 Feb 1769:32 (1361)
Friday last ended the election of representatives for this
city and county, --At closing the poll, the state of it was
as follows, . . . [lists candidates, # of votes] The four
candidates, who had the majority of voices in their favour,
(three of whom had remarkably distinguished themselves in
the late spirited measures for supporting the rights and
liberties of their country, and the other a gentleman, who
has always approved himself a steady friend to the true
interest and prosperity) were attended from the city-hall,
by a vast concourse of people, with music playing, and
colours displayed; in this manner they proceeded down the
Broad-Way, and through the main street to the Coffee-House,
being repeatedly saluted with loud Huzzas, and with every
other demonstration of joy, that could be shewn upon this
happy and interesting occasion.--The brilliant appearance of
ladies at the windows,--The number of principal inhabitants
who graced the procession, and the regularity and good order
with which the whole was conducted, exhibited one of the
finest and most agreeable sights ever seen in this city.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1769.02.02 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0028534
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