Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1769.03.23

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Index Entry Concert Hall, in Boston, open again after disagreement 
Location Boston 
23 Mar 1769:13 (1368 Supplement)
Boston.  Journal of Occurrences, continued.  Feb. 16.  A
concert hall is again opened to all who have, or may
commence subscribers to such musical entertainments.  We are
told proper concessions have been made Mr. Deblois, and that
G--- P---y, has engaged that the O--ff--rs of his core,
shall for the future behave with decency, and agreeable to
the regulations of such assemblies.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1769.03.23 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0028542
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