Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1769.11.30

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Index Entry Boswell, James, author of lyric [beg] From the rude banks of Golo's rapid 
Location Stratford/Avon 
30 Nov 1769:41 (1404)
Verses in the Character of a Corsican, at Shakespeare's
Jubilee, at Stratford upon-Avon, Sept.6, 1769.  By James
Boswell, Esq;
From the rude banks of Golo's rapid flood,
Alas! too deeply ting'd with patriot blood;
O'er which dejected, injur'd freedom bends,
And sighs indignant o'er all Europe sends:
. . . [10 more lines]
To celebrate great Shakespear's wond'rous fame,
And add new trophies to the honour'd name
. . . [8 more lines]
Had Garrick, who dame nature's pencil stole,
Just where old Shakespeare dropt it when his soul
Broke from its earthly cage aloft to fly,
To the eternal world of harmony;
Had Garrick shewn us on the tragick scene,
With fame embalm'd our deeds of death had been;
. . . [16 more lines]

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1769.11.30 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0028580
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