Citation |
29 Mar 1770:32 (1421)
[19 lines objecting to the article in the paper about 45
virgins visiting Capt. M'Dougall in jail, singing the 45th
psalm]. . . which he asserts they sang 'after having
undergone some slight alteration,' intending thereby to hold
them to the public, as fit subjects of ridicule, for such an
enthusiastick fondness for the patriot, as to prostitute
sacred writ, in applying the words of it to him,--whereas
the truth is, that on Monday the 12th instant 28 virgins
belonging to the Dutch Church, went from their catechising,
to pay Mr. M'Dougal a visit, and after tea was served, some
of the company proposed the singing a psalm and fixed on the
128th of the Dutch translation which was accordingly done. .
. [13 more lines protesting the original article.]