Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1771.01.31

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Index Entry Lyric, moral [beg] With what a gentle parting ray serene 
Location New York 
31 Jan 1771:41 (1465)
The Righteous when they yield their Breath, shall find a
Comforter in Death.
  With what a gentle parting ray serene,
  With what a tranquil gleam and soften'd light,
  The setting sun shuts the diurnal scene,
  Then sinks beneath the wave, and yeilds to night! 
. . . [8 more lines]

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1771.01.31 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0028642
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