Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1771.02.21

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Index Entry Music gallery, in large room at Vauxhall, 26 x 56 feet with arched ceiling 
Location New York 
21 Feb 1771:63 (1468)
To be sold at private sale, the commodious house and large
gardens, in the outward of this city, known by the name of
Vauxhall; the situation extremely pleasant, having a very
extensive view both up and down the North-River: The house
has 4 good rooms on a floor, with a large entrance and other
conveniencies, an excellent cellar, a very good kitchen, and
a large room 26 by 56 feet adjoining the house, with an
arched ceiling, a convenient musick gallery, two fire places
and two entrances; coach house, stables, and other out-
houses, with as fine water as any in the city; 
there are 36 lots and a half of ground laid out to great
advantage in a pleasure, and kitchen garden, well stocked
with fruit and other trees, vegetables, &c. and several
summer houses, which occasionally may be removed; the whole
in extreme good order and repair, well fenced in, very fit
for a large family, or to entertain the gentry, &c. as a
public garden, &c.  The premises are on lease from Trinity
Church, sixty-one years of which are yet to come, and sold
for no other reason whatever, than the proprietor not being
able to attend both his houses in the manner he could wish,
and as the favour he hath received from the public in
general, so highly merits. For further particulars inquire
of Mr. Francis, at his house, the Queen's Head tavern, near
the Exchange, or at Mr. Knapp's office in Broad-street.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1771.02.21 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0028645
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