Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1771.08.29

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Index Entry Beneath this gallows three traducers lie [fl] 
Location Newbern 
29 Aug 1771:51 (1495)
[The following is a response from "a company of gentlemen
being assembled at the King's-Arms Tavern in Newbern, North
Carolina, to "abusive and unjust reflections upon his
Excellency Governor Tryon" which were printed in the
Massachusetts Spy, Isaiah Thomas, editor. The "criminals"
were Leonidas, Mucius, and the editor.]
The following epitaph, wrote in large characters was
tendered to the criminals, for their perusal, just before
their execution, but they continuing silent, would not read
a single word of it, wherefore, as a further punishment on
their contemptuous taciturnity, it was affixt before their
faces, to the gallows.   Epitaph.
Beneath this gallows three traducers lie,
Who for their crimes were justly doomed to die,
Leonidas, with Mucius of ill fame,
And we the third, Isaiah Thomas, name.
Sworn foes to honour, virtue, truth they fell,
And where they now reside we cannot tell. 

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1771.08.29 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0028672
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