Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1772.09.10

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Index Entry Ball, in New York, after concert by performer of Lecture [t] 
Location New York 
10 Sep 1772:33 (1549)
The exhibiter of the Lecture on Heads, begs leave to
acquaint the ladies and gentlemen, that he is making
preparations for a concert and ball (before his departure
from this city for Philadelphia) which he proposes to be on
the beginning of the ensuing week, at Mr. Hull's Assembly
Room in the Broad-Way; and humbly hopes for the patronage of
those ladies and gentlemen who have a true taste for that
species of entertainment, as he means to spare neither cost
or pains to conduct it in the most elegant manner, and on
the same principle, as at all the polite assemblies in
England.---Proposals for the subscription, may be seen at
Mr. Rivington's,--at the Coffee House,--at Mr. Hull's
Tavern, and at Mr. Holt's, printer.  N.B. Timely notice will
be given of the night, and every method pursued to merit the
approbation of those ladies and gentlemen who shall
countenance this undertaking.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1772.09.10 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0028726
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