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22 Oct 1772:51 (1555)
Prince-Town, New-Jersey, October 6. On Tuesday the 29th,
voluntary competitions for premiums, among the students of
the college, in several branches of learning, were attended,
in the publick library by a very respectable number of
gentlemen of letters, and graduates from different colleges.
Seven judges were elected to decide in each competition. . .
[Premiums listed] On Wednesday the 30th the anniversary
commencement was held in the church. . . [Orations listed]
To this succeeded an oration on "Castle Building,"
pronounced by Mr. Burr. [The remainder of the orations
listed, the candidates receiving the B.A., Aaron Burr; then
the M.A. candidates listed, and another oration, followed
by] The exercises both of the forenoon and afternoon, were
preceded and closed with vocal musick, by a select number of
the students. . . .[1 more paragraph]