Citation |
13 Apr 1775:234 (1684)
Feb. 20. The following is a copy of an Association entered
into by forty five of the Deputies, assembled in Provincial
Congress, at Savannah in Georgia, on the 18th of last month,
and by them subscribed, on the 23d, when they chose Noble
Wimberley Jones, Archibald Bulloch, and John Houstoun,
Esqrs. delegates to represent that colony in the
Continental Congress, to be held in May next. . . [5 lines
of rationale] We do therefore for ourselves, and our
constituents, firmly agree and associate, under the sacred
ties of virtue, honour, and love of our country, as
follows:. . . [six resolutions] Seventh. That we will, in
our several stations, encourage frugality, oeconomy, and
industry, and promote agriculture, arts and the manufactures
of America, especially that of wool, and will discountenance
and discourage every species of extravagance and
dissipation, especially horse-racing and all kinds of
gaming, cock fighting exhibitions of shews, plays, and
other expensive diversions and entertainments;. . . [c.6
more lines in this resolution, and 2 more resolutions