Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1775.10.05

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Index Entry Music, in Fairfield, in procession, for captured Tories 
Location Fairfield 
5 Oct 1775:31 (1709)
Extract of a letter from Fairfield in Connecticut, which we
were obliged to omit in our last, for want of room.  
September, 1775. Thursday morning.  Ten o'clock, 150 on
horseback, have this moment entered the town in triumph,
attended with music, and brought in eight criminals,
together with their arms; also the arms of a number of p-tty
ones, whose persons they thought unworthy of notice--Half
after ten, another [   ]ry of 50 men, equipt as the others,
and brought in five more of the wretches, all of whom are
carried up town, where, I shall repair as speedily as
possible, to gain more intelligence. [The criminals were
Tories who had planned to destroy Fairfield.]

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1775.10.05 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0028887
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