Citation - New York Journal-Poughkeepsie: 1778.06.15

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Index Entry Handel, music less appealing to soldiers than military music in camp 
Location Philadelphia 
15 Jun 1778:13,212 (1777)
[From the Pennsylvania packet, May 13. . . a letter
beginning "My Dear", but unsigned, apparently describing a
celebration of the recently announced assistance of France.
Included in the letter] It having pleased the Almighty Ruler
of the universe, propitiously to defend the cause of the
United American States, and finally, by raising us up a
powerful friend among the Princes of the earth, to establish
our liberty and independence  upon lasting foundations---it
becomes us to set apart a day for gratefully acknowledging
the divine goodness. . . [details of the military review,
the signals for various actions, the entertainment in the
center of the encampment, the huzzas, which] composed a
military music more agreeable to a soldier's ear than the
most finished pieces of your favourite Handel. . . [further
activities included a feast in the amphitheatre, with] An
excellent band of music attended during the entertainment. .

Generic Title New York Journal-Poughkeepsie 
Date 1778.06.15 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State Poughkeepsie, NY 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0028955
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