Citation - New York Journal-Poughkeepsie: 1779.02.15

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Index Entry Music, metaphor of military attack, in report of Staten Island raid 
Location Rariton 
15 Feb 1779:12 (1812)
[News from Philadelphia, February 3.]  A letter from Rariton
(New-Jersey) dated January 30, says, "A party of refugees
from New-York, made their appearance on Staten-Island last
week, and alarmed the inhabitants on this side.  Orders were
immediately sent to the park, for some pieces of artillery,
the whole encampment here was also alarmed, and lay most
part of the night on their arms, expecting to have a little
music in the morning; however, they were disappointed, for
the locusts returned after firing a few cannon."

Generic Title New York Journal-Poughkeepsie 
Date 1779.02.15 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State Poughkeepsie, NY 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0028990
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