Citation |
24 May 1779:11 (1826)
Four hundred dollars reward. Deserted from the 2d N. York
regiment, on the 16th of May, Nathaniel Foster, corporal,
aged thirty years, about five feet eleven inches high, stout
and well made, blue eyes, and has short curled hair---John
Robinson. . . [2 lines of description] Stephen Robinson,
drummer, a boy of ten or twelve years of age, and brother of
John Robinson; Andrew Knickkebacher. . . [2 lines of
description] the above deserters it is supposed, are gone to
the Nine-Partners, the former place of their residence.---
Edward Taylor. . . [3 lines of description]---Oliver Arnold.
. . [2 lines of description]---John Smith. . . [2 lines of
description] Whosoever shall apprehend and commit to gaol,
within this or any of the neighbouring states, any of the
above deserters, shall receive for each fifty dollars, and
all reasonable charges. [signed] Philip Cortlandt, Colonel.
Pennsylvania, on the road from Easton, to Wyoming, May 17,