Citation - New York Journal-Poughkeepsie: 1780.02.14

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Index Entry Post, William, sells spinet 
Location Poughkeepsie 
14 Feb 1780:23 (1864)
To be sold for hard or continental money, by William Post,
three miles north of Poughkeepsie; A. A set of neat chairs,
with red bottoms; a large spinet; a fire screen and stand. .
. [17 more lines] N.B. The articles marked, may be seen at
the following places, viz. A at Mr. G. Livingston's, in
Poughkeepsie;..[3 more lines giving location of B, C, and D]

Generic Title New York Journal-Poughkeepsie 
Date 1780.02.14 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State Poughkeepsie, NY 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0029041
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