Citation - New York Journal-Poughkeepsie: 1781.12.17

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Index Entry Fiddle, played by runaway Negro named Sam 
Location Albany 
17 Dec 1781:11 (1923)
Run-away from the subscriber, at Stono Ferry, 6 miles above
Albany, on Wednesday night the 5th instant, a Negro man
named Sam, between 30 and 40 years of age, about 5 feet 9
inches high, well made, speaks good Dutch and English, and
can play on the fiddle. . . [6 lines of description of him
and his wife] Whoever will return, or secure the said Negro
man, so that the subscriber gets him again, shall receive
five hard dollars reward, besides all reasonable charges.
[signed] Francis Marshall.  Dec.8th, 1781.

Generic Title New York Journal-Poughkeepsie 
Date 1781.12.17 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State Poughkeepsie, NY 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0029100
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