Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1753.11.05

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Index Entry Drummer, in Halifax, escapes drowning, confin'd for theft 
Location Halifax 
5 Nov 1753:23 (65)
Halifax, September 29.  Last Monday night the following
unlucky accident happened here, viz. one Haws a private
soldier, and a drummer belonging to the same regiment, took
a boat from one of the wharfs, and went on board a vessel in
the harbour in order to steal some live stock, (as they term
it) that is two women servants, and having got their fowls
into the boat along with Hews, and the drumer [=drummer]
just ready to embark with them, but hearing somebody stir in
the steerage, and being apprehensive of a discovery, jump'd
off the vessel's gunnel into the boat and overset her, by
which means Hews and one of the women were drowned, the
others with difficulty saved their lives; and we hear the
captain of the vessel has enter'd an information against the
drummer for theft, upon which he is confin'd in order for a
trial: so that altho' he has escap'd drowning, he stands a
chance of being hang'd.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1753.11.05 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1753 
Bibliography B0029152
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