Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1756.03.08

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Index Entry Microcosm, or the World in Miniature, clockwork, to be seen in New York 
Location New York 
8 Mar 1756:33 (187)
We, the proprietors of the microcosm, beg leave to acquaint
the publick, that it will be shewn at the new-exchange, (as
usual) till Tuesday the 23d instant, and positively no
longer, as a  further grant cannot be obtained for the use
of the assembly-room, it being engaged for that purpose: 
Therefore 'tis hoped, all who may be desirous of seeing a
piece so much superior to any thing of its kind, and so
worthy the notice of the most judicious, will be as
expeditious as convenient.
N.B.  Tickets for Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights, to be
had at the above place.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1756.03.08 
Publisher Gaine, H. 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1756 
Bibliography B0029274
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