Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1759.01.08

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Index Entry Douglass, Mr, sent prologue and epilogue to newspaper 
Location New York 
8 Jan 1759:22, 23 (334)
Sir,  Be pleased to give the inclosed occasional prologue,
and epilogue, spoken at the opening of the new theatre, in
this city, a place in your paper:  They were both written in
North-America, and generously sent us by the ingenious
author, to whom we acknowledge ourselves greatly obliged . .
. [23 lines, signed] D. Douglass.
Prologue spoken by Mr. Hallam.
To this new world, from fam'd Britannia's shore,
Through boistrous seas, where foaming billows roar,
The muse, whom Briton's charm'd, for many an age,
Now sends her servants forth, to tread the stage;
. . . [32 lines]
Epilogue spoken by Mrs. Douglass.
Much has been said at this unlucky time
To prove the business of the stage a crime;
Mistaken zeal, in terms oft not so civil,
Consign'd both plays and players to the devil.
. . . [52 more lines]

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1759.01.08 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0029421
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