Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1759.08.27

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Index Entry Drums, in Guadaloupe, beat in French capitulation 
Location Guadaloupe 
27 Aug 1759:21 (367)
Articles of capitulation between their excellencies, the
honourable General Barrington, and John Moore, Esq;
commander in chief of his Britannick majesty's land and sea
forces in these seas.  And the inhabitants of the island of
Guadaloupe; represented by Messrs. Deburg De Clanvilliers,
and Duquezey, by virtue of full powers to them given for
that purpose, and authorised by Monsieur Nadrow Dutreil,
knight of the royal and military order of St. Louis,
governor of this island.
Article, I.
The inhabitants shall march out of their posts with all the
honours of war, viz. with two field pieces, their arms,
colours flying, drums beating, and lighted match. . .
[articles continue for 2 columns]

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1759.08.27 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0029458
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