Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1759.10.01

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Index Entry Chearful, fearless, and at ease [fl] 
Location Princeton 
1 Oct 1759:31,32 (372)
Nassau-Hall, September 27, 1759.  Yesterday the annual
commencement was held here.  The Rev'd Mr. Samuel Davies,
lately elected President of the college of New-Jersey,
delivered a Latin oration, to the universal applause of all
his learned and numerous auditors.  The young gentlemen
(about 25 in number) who were admitted to the usual degrees
in the arts, performed the accustomed exercises with
uncommon facility and correctness.  The whole ceremony
concluded with the following ode, set to music by Mr. James
Lyon, one of the students.
Chearful, fearless, and at ease,
On the downy lap of peace,
Unmov'd at war's tremendous roar,
That consternation spreads from shore to shore,
. . . [10 lines]
Chor.  We sing great George, &c. &c.
. . . [28 more lines]

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1759.10.01 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0029463
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