Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1767.08.03

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Index Entry Douglass, Mr, to perform Lecture on Heads [t], in New York, lower admission 
Location New York 
3 Aug 1767:33 (822)
The price for admittance having been objected to, as rather
too  high, the exhibiter has, by the advice of his friends
lowered it to half a dollar.  The last night, at Mr. Burns's
assembly room, to-morrow, being Tuesday the 4th of August
Mr. Douglass will deliver a lecture on heads. . . Between
the parts, and at the end of the lecture, singing by Mr.
Woolls.  To begin at half past 7 o'clock. . . 

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1767.08.03 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0029878
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