Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1768.05.16

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Index Entry Clock, musical, for sale by Stephany, John Sebastian, German import, 9 tunes 
Location New York 
16 May 1768:32 (863)
John Sebastian Stephany, chymist, has for sale for cash, a
new and ingenious clock work, just imported from Germany,
and made there by one of the most ingenious and celebrated
clock-makers in Germany: It plays nine different selected
musical tunes, and every one as exact as can be done on the
best musical instrument; and changes its musick every hour. 
It is done with 11 clocks [sic=bells?] and 22 hammers.  It
has an ingenious striking-work for every hour, and quarter
of an hour; it repeats 8 days, hours and minutes, and shows
the months, and the days of the month.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1768.05.16 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0029925
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