Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1768.05.23

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Index Entry Hudibrass, author of lyric [beg] Whose religion, it was fit 
Location New York 
23 May 1768:11 (864)
A WHIP FOR THE AMERICAN WHIG, by Timothy Tickle, Esqr.
Who shames a scribler? break one cobweb thro',
He spins the flight, self-pleasing thread anew:
Destroy his fib, or sophistry, in vain,
The creature's at his dirty work again,---Pope.
. . . [Followed by 3 columns of prose; in the 3rd:]
When the trumpets of sedition were sounded from those sacred
pulpits, which were usurped by those vile, hypocritical,
prostitute preachers, whom St. Oliver had manufactured out
of taylors, tinkers, and coblers:
"Whose religion, it was fit
"To match their learning and their wit:
"Such as do build their faith upon,
"The holy text of pike and gun,
. . . [6 more lines, signed:] Hudibrass.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1768.05.23 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0029926
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