Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1771.06.03

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Index Entry Noel and Hazard, sells Shakespeare's works, psalters, Watts' & Scotch psalms 
Location New York 
3 Jun 1771:12 (1023 Supplement)
Noel and Hazard, have imported in the New-York, Captain
Height, from London, a general assortment of books, and
stationary ware, which they are now opening at their store
next door to the Coffee-House, and propose selling on
reasonable terms for cash, wholesale and retail;. . . [34
lines of books and stationary, among which are:] Milton's,
Pope's, Shakespear's, Young's, Shenstone's, Gay's,
Landsdowne's, Spencer's, Mallet's, and Dodsley's works. . .
psalters. . . common bibles with Scotch psalms, ditto with
Watts's Psalms, common testaments, ditto with Watts's
Psalms, &c.  . . . [5 more lines describing preparation of
catalogues of articles on hand.]

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1771.06.03 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0030088
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