Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1771.12.30

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Index Entry Faulks, Mr, horseman, to perform in New York, plays French horn 
Location New York 
30 Dec 1771:34 (1053)
Mr. Faulks, the noted performer in horsemanship, who has had
the honour of performing before their Majesties, and most of
the nobility in England, Ireland, and Scotland,---has got a
convenient place to exhibit in belonging to Mr. Joseph
Bogart, near the windmill, above the slaughter-house, in the
Bowery, and intends performing this day, and every fair day
this week.
First. He mounts a single horse, standing upon the saddle,
and rides him, playing on the French Horn. . . [5 more acts
described, without French Horn; then, details about time and
place, etc. Finally:] Tickets to be had at 4s. each, at Mr.
Rivington's, and Mr. Gaine's.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1771.12.30 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0030118
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