Citation |
19 Oct 1772:23 (1095)
Philadelphia, October 12. On Tuesday last was held in this
city, the anniversary meeting of the Corporation for the
Relief of the Widows and Children of Clergymen in Communion
with the Church of England, in America: And, on the Thursday
following, the Corporation having previously assembled at
the President's house, went in procession to Christ's
Church, where an excellent sermon upon the occasion, was
preached by the Rev. President, Dr. Peters, from Rom. xii.
6,7,8. The audience were entertained with several solemn
pieces of music, well adapted and performed with great
judgement. The generous collection made in the church, for
the benevolent purposes of this humane and truly charitable
institution, amounted to near L. 130. The Honourable Richard
Penn, Esq; Governor of this province, and his Excellency
William Franklin, Esq; Governor of New Jersey, members of
the society, with a large number of gentlemen, clergy, and
ladies of the first distinction, were pleased to honour the
solemnity with their presence. The whole service was
conducted with the greatest propriety, and gave universal