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19 Jul 1773:13 (1125[=1134])
By permission of his Excellency the Governor. Mr. Wall,
comedian, will exhibit, at Mr. Hull's great room, on
Wednesday evening, the 21st of July, 1773. A new lecture,
written by the author of the much admired Lecture on Heads,
The paintings, &c. are entirely new, and never before
exhibited in America. Syllabus.
First Part. Introduction----Physical Imitation----modern
Book Building----Bust of Sir Dimple Daisy----a broad
Grinner---Sheep's Tail Macaroni---thick stock ditto----turn
down collar---Master Jackey---Diana the Huntress---a
Pinnacal---a Blood after he has kept it up---a modern
Connoisseur---a Reasoner---Election Picture---Origin of
Money---the Center of Friendship---Head of Somebody---and
the whole System of modern English politics displayed in the
various Heads of Busybody, Anybody, Somebody, Nobody, and
Second Part. Ladies Heads in high Taste---Mens Hats---
Macaroni Thanet---corded Thanet---broad Band---Court Hat---a
Fan Tail---Ladies Morning Head Dresses---Head of a Jew
Conjurer---ancient Conjurer---Dexterity of Hand.
Third Part. Ladies high Head Dresses---artificial Candle-
light Face, and the Appearance of the same Face next
Morning---the grand secret of Attraction---two Portraits of
the same Lady in a good and ill Humour---Courtship and
Matrimony---matrimonial Vis-a-Vis---the Laws considered,
Case, Bellum vesus Borum---compleat Macaroni---Conclusion.
To begin at seven o'clock. Care will be taken to keep the
room cool. Tickets to be had at Mr. Gaine's, Mr.
Rivington's, Mr. Hull's, and of Mr. Wall, at Mr. Pettit's,
for 5s. each.