Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1774.03.07

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Index Entry Byerley, Thomas, opens English Grammar School, with Josiah Day 
Location New York 
7 Mar 1774:112 (1167)
The English Grammar-School. . . [Author discusses his theory
that school should begin before the child is 12 years of
age, and that the study should be the child's own language,
not Latin. He then describes his method, including] With
respect to Pronunciation, having an intimate acquaintance
with the original formation of the several sounds in our
language, he teaches, that, with as much certainty, as
others, to strike the different musical sounds on any
instrument:..[The rest of the report presents the
curriculum, closing with] The undertakers will, likewise, if
desired, provide for them masters, in the polite
accomplishments of dancing and music. The terms are, half a
pistole entrance, and a pistole a quarter.  The undertakers
pledge themselves to the public, that every part of this
plan, shall be faithfully carried into execution, and beg
leave to subscribe themselves, The Public's devoted
servants, Thomas Byerley.  Josiah Day.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1774.03.07 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0030235
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