Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1774.04.11

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Index Entry Dancing, taught at boarding school of J and M Tanner 
Location New York 
11 Apr 1774:22 (1172 Supplement)
J. and M. Tanner, desire to inform the public, that they
intend removing on the first of May next, to the house
belonging to, and at present in the occupation of Mrs. Lyne,
in Smith-street, near the corner of Wall-street; which,
having an airy pleasant situation, and every other requisite
convenience for the purpose, will be fitted as a boarding
school for young ladies. . . [Curriculum listed, a
description following each course--writing, arithmetic,
needle work--then] music, dancing, drawing, French tambour
work, and every other polite accomplishment, will be taught
by capable persons, who are engaged for these purposes. . .
[12 lines describing method, signed] J. and M. Tanner.  The
day school will be continued as usual.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1774.04.11 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0030240
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