Citation |
18 Mar 1776:41 (1275)
By the King, a Proclamation, appointing the distribution of
prizes taken during the continuance of the Rebellion now
subsisting in divers parts of the continent of North-
America. George R. Whereas. . . [In detail, distribution
by rank of all "prizes" taken in confrontations between
ships in port in North-America, including] To the
Trumpeters. . . Ordinary Trumpeter. . . or other soldiers,
and all other persons doing duty, or assisting on board any
such ships, two eighth parts to be equally divided amongst
them. . . And in case any Sea Captain, inferior Commission
or Warrant Sea Officers, belonging to any ship of war, for
whom any shares of prizes are hereby allowed, be absent at
the time of the capture of any prize, the share of such Sea
Captain. . . shall be cast into the shares hereby allowed to
the Trumpeters. . . , Ordinary Trumpeter. . . God save the