Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1776.07.08

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Index Entry Drummers, in Boston, British prisoners of war, value for exchange 
Location Boston 
8 Jul 1776:212 (1291)
Copy of a letter from Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell to General
Howe.  Boston, June 19, 1776.
Sir "I am sorry to inform you that it has been my
unfortunate lot to have fallen into the hands of the
Americans, in the middle of Boston harbour. . . "[rest of
col.1, 3 paragraphs of col.2] "In case a cartel is
established, the following return is, as near as I can
effect, the number of officers, non-commissioned officers,
and private men of the 71st regiment, who are prisoners of
war at and in the neighbourhood of Boston. The George
Transport. . . [officers, volunteers]  2 drummers, 90
private men.  The Annabella Transport. [Officers] 2
drummers, 81 private men.  Lord Howe Transport.[Officers] 2
drummers, 96 private men.  Ann Transport. . . [Officers] 2
drummers, 96 private men.
[Signed] Archibald Campbell, Lieut Col.2d Bat.71st Regt."

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1776.07.08 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0030359
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