Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1777.03.17

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Index Entry Drummers, in New York, British casualties through fall of 1776 
Location New York 
17 Mar 1777:4123 (1325)
British. 17th regiment of light dragoons. 1 drummer missing.
1st battalion of light infantry. . . .[4 lines , including]
1 drummer or trumpeter. . . [12 more lines of missing and
wounded] Total. 2 serjeants, 11 rank and file, killed. 1
field officer, 1 captain, 1 subaltern, 3 serjeants, 1
drummer or trumpeter, 40 rank and file, wounded. 1 drummer,
3 rank and file missing. . . [Two-plus columns  list British
casualties, including]  In the action of the 28th[?] of
October, in passing the Bronks River, and in previous
skirmishes, from the 19th of October inclusive. . . [by
regiment] 45th ditto. 1 drummer, 1 rank and file, missing. .
. Total. 1 field officer, 2 captains, 2 subalterns, 1
serjeant. . . 1 drummer. . . [list of Hessian casualties
follows] In the attack of the 16th of November, when the
rebel lines and redoubts near Fort Washington were stormed,
and that fort surrendered, &c. with other casualties since
the 29th of October, and preceding the 16th of November. 
British. . . 2d battalion of light infantry. . .  1 drummer.
. . Total. . . 1 drummer, 89 rank and file, wounded. . .
Hessians. . . [listed by commanding officer] Rall. 1
drummer. . . Total. 2 captains, 3 subaltenrs, 1 serjeant, 1
drummer, 51 rank and file killed. . . 

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1777.03.17 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0030393
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