Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1779.04.19

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Index Entry Band of music, in New York, to play at Loosely's on St George's Day 
Location New York 
19 Apr 1779:24 (1435)
St. George's Day.  As a number of gentlemen are desirous to
celebrate St. George's Day, on Friday next the 23d instant,
at Looseley and Elms's Tavern: Gentlemen who wish to join
them, are requested to leave their names at the bar, on or
before the 20th instant.  Dinner on the table precisely at 3
o'clock.  A good band of music[k?] provided.  The publick's
most obedient, and very humble servants, Loosely and Elms.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1779.04.19 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0030502
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