Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1779.12.13

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Index Entry Actors, professional, performed in Theatre Royal productions, per accounts 
Location New York 
13 Dec 1779:33 (1469)
Abstract of the Theatre Royal account for the last season. 
From 9th January, 1779, to 20th February, Doctor Beaumont,
treasurer.  January 9, to 20th February, to cash received
for the six first plays,                                     
     L.1456  9  2
To cash paid the carpenter's bill for materials and time for
the repairs of the house previous to the opening, and other
expences for the six first plays,                            
L. 165  0  6
To cash paid ironmongery and tin-work, &c. and               
                                      for new stoves,     
64  5  9
To ditto upholsterer for the General and Admiral's  boxes,
pa[?]ring ditto and carpeting for the stage,                 
 36 12  6
To repairs of scenes, painting and other decorations, and
glazing lamps and lights, &c.                               
37  6  8 
To cash paid for new chairs,                          5  0 
Total expence on fitting up the house,              308  5 
To cash paid for 3 casks lamp oil,                   71 12 
To ditto sundry new dresses for the wardrobe for 
the first six plays,                                429 13 
To ditto printing tickets, advertisements, and 
stationary,                                         151  6 
To ditto hired performers,                           79  2 
To ditto orchestra, door-keepers, coach hire, writer of
parts, and necessary attendants for the six first plays      
 176  5  4
To ditto different tradesmen's accounts as per
receipts                                            240  4 
                                                L. 1456  9 
From 20th February to 25th May, 1779, Doctor Morris,
To cash for 14 plays,                           L. 2398  4 
His Excellency General Sir Henry Clinton,
 Commander in Chief, 100 guineas                    186 13 
Major-General Tryon,                                 46 11 
Rear Admiral Gambier,                                28 16 
Right Hon. Lord Rawdon,                              70  8 
                                                L. 2730 16 
Paid Capt. England, 47th regiment, for the
 widows and orphans of the Convention army,         100  0 
Ditto paid sundry widows and orphans as per
 receipts,                                           48 10 
Ditto paid Mr. Hodson, hospital-mate, for 19
 widows and 15 orphans, embarked for Great-Britain,  56  0 
Ditto paid Lieut. Brown, 60th regiment, for
 deserted orphans,                                   15  9 
Ditto paid Mr. Barrow, Sub-manager, at sundry
 times, as per accounts, for expences incurred,
 after being examined and approved of by the
 managers,                                         2440  9 
Balance in Treasurer's hand,                         70  8 
                                               L.  2730 16 
N.B. the great expence incurred previous to the opening the
Theatre last season, and the many new dresses the managers
were under the necessity of purchasing to conduct it with
propriety, deprived them of the means of extending this
charity to as many objects as they could have wished; but
these reasons being now in a great measure obviated, they
flatter themselves that a very considerable sum will be
applied in the course of this season to the relief of
disabled seamen, soldiers, widows, orphans and others who
may be considered as proper objects of this charity. 
Commanding officers of corps are requested to recommend
their regimental widows  and orphans to Dr. Morris, in King-
street, as the managers propose immediately to relieve as
many as the present state of their fund will admit of.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1779.12.13 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0030537
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