Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1780.10.30

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Index Entry Bassoon reeds, for sale by Nutter, Valentine 
Location New York 
30 Oct 1780:42 (1515)
Just imported in the last ships from London, and to be sold
by Valentine Nutter, at 924, opposite the Coffee-House, the
following articles, viz. . . .[47 lines of stationery,
books, charts, etc., including] parchment, and drumheads,
violin strings, bows and bridges, howboy reeds, basoon
reeds, best tipt German flutes, with 1 key and 8 keys,
instructions for the flute, with a great variety of music,
and music paper ruled, gold leaf by the book. . . clasped
psalters, a great variety of song and jest books.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1780.10.30 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0030583
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