Citation - New York Morning Post: 1782.10.25

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Index Entry Books, plays, songs, psalms, and hymns, for sale by Loosley, Robert 
Location New York 
25 Oct 1782:81,82,83 (1/23)
A  list of books &c. &c. to be had of Robert Loosley,
No.212, Water-Street, between the Coffee-House and Old-Slip.
. . [4.8 columns of book titles, including:] Enfield's
Shakespear, Garrick's Works, Johnson's Plays, Otway's Plays,
Ramsey's Songs, Shakespear's Works, Vocal Miscellanies,
Theobald's Shakespear, Watt's Psalms, Watt's Hymns, Flute
and Instructors, fresh violin strings. . . 

Generic Title New York Morning Post 
Date 1782.10.25 
Publisher Sower, Christopher, Jr; William Morton and Samuel Horner 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0030797
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