Citation - New York Morning Post: 1783.10.14

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Index Entry Adventures of a Night [t], for sale by Loosely, Robert 
Location New York 
14 Oct 1783:41,42 (3/148) 
Just imported, in the Vigilant, Skinner, and Black Queen
from London, an elegant assortment of goods as follows, all
which were purchased from the manufacturers, for ready
money, and will be sold exceedingly low for cash, by Robert
Loosely, in Water-street, betwixt the Coffee-house and Old
Slip, a neat collection of books; amongst which are, 
The newest Song Books for the present year.
The Vocal Enchantress, Vocal Music, Convivial ditto, George
Alexander Stevens's ditto, Roundelay, St. Cecelia, Gold
Finch, Allan Ramsay, London Songster. European Magazine
. . . [4 lines]
Favourite Songs set to music for the present year,
Country Dances, ditto, ditto, Ditto, ditto, and minuets,
bound in vols.
New Plays, viz.  
Misterious Husband; Which is the Man; Fatal Curiosity;
Adventures of a Night; Too Civil by Half.
Books of navigation, and maps
. . . [8 lines]
Books of instruction for the flute, violin, guittar, and
harpsichord. Thompson's Pocket Companion for ditto,
Aird of Glasgow, ditto, Blank books for music, of all sizes,
Plain and tip'd German flutes,  Do. do. with three, four and
five keys, Do. do. of ivory.  Voice do.
Hautboys, a few near guittars, do.  Hand organs, do.
Fresh violin strings, bridges and pins, Ditto for
violincello and tenor, Reeds for hautboys,
Very best double battle gun powder, double sealed.
. . . [3/4 column more dry goods]

Generic Title New York Morning Post 
Date 1783.10.14 
Publisher Morton, William, and Samuel Horner 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0030815
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