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7 Jan 1734:22 (10)
Mr. Zenger; I am a carpenter by trade, and can read English,
therefore I some times borrow your paper. My fellow trades
men say, that you are to print every thing that is good and
bad in the country, and to reward all men according to their
deserts. I hear that some body has put a clapper into the
fort bell, and that it is to ring at morning, noon and
night, as in old times. I am heartily glad of it. It will
produce a great reformation. We shall breakfast, dine, and
sup, according to rule and compass, and know how to square
our work as in the days of our forefathers. I assure you,
Mr. Zenger, this is a good deed, and ought not to be
slighted: Therefore I and the, rest of the day labourers in
town, intend very speedily to pay our thanks to that worthy
artist, in a very handsome address of which pray take notice
in your papers. I am [signed] Bob Chizel.