Citation - New York Weekly Journal: 1736.12.20

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Index Entry Actor, Todd, James, in Dr Faustus [t], died after accident at Covent Garden 
Location London 
20 Dec 1736:32 (163)
London. Oct 4. . . Yesterday morning Mr. James Todd, who
represented the miller's man on Friday night last in the
entertainment of Dr. Faustus at the theatre in Covent-
Garden, and fell in one of the flying machines from the very
top of the stage by the breaking of the wires, by which
accident his skull was fractur'd, died in a miserable
manner.  Susan Warwick, who represented the miller's wife,
lies at the point of death at the infirmary at Hyde-Park
corner: The two other persons who fell in the same machine
are like to recover.  The audience on so melancholy a scene
were thrown into the greatest convulsion; a lady in the pit
big with child fainted away, and was carried off very ill;
Nothing was heard but shrieks and cries of the utmost
surprize, agony and horror.

Generic Title New York Weekly Journal 
Date 1736.12.20 
Publisher Zenger, John Peter 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1736 
Bibliography B0031284
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