Citation |
5 Jan 1741:21 (370)
From the Gentleman's Magazine.
Modern Good Breeding destructive to Good Manners.
. . . [2 columns describing a dinner party, then the young
son at the dinner speaks:] I took a turn in the mall where I
met young Master Frutter who last week was made a captain in
the Marines, and Sir, he has made me promise to go to the
play with him to night.-- And do you intend to go? says his
father-- . . . [more dialogue and description, then:] My
young spark, whose morals, were not to be corrupted by a
university education; took his leave to meet his party and
go to the play, . . . [more description, then, in next
column:] I accidentally dropt into the play-house that
evening, and saw my young man of morals in one of the
gallery boxes, with two other young sparks, and two noted
courtezans of the town. . . [1 concluding paragraph].