Citation |
29 Nov 1742:41 (471)
From the High Dutch Pennsylvania Journal of Nov. 16, 1742.
From Mannheim and other parts of the upper Palatinate we are
informed, that at Gimsheim, at several times, many persons
came together on Sundays and evenings to read the bible and
other books, also that they pray'd and sung. The curate of
the parish check'd them for it, signifying, that it was not
becoming the common people; that he was stationed there for
that purpose, that his studies had cost him much money;
Moreover, that the government had plac'd him there for the
cure of souls. But when the people persisted in their
religious meetings, he obtained a judicial commission to
several who examined all suspected persons, If they were of
the people that pray'd and sung? Those that deny'd, or made
large promisses to do so no more, were discharged. Among
them were 17 that confessed the fact, and besides a fine of
53 guilders, very hardly threatned.---One a poor school-
master that came to work in harvest, was detained in close
prison at Alzey 39 weeks, for this crime. . . . [3 lines]