Citation - New York Weekly Journal: 1743.12.26

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Index Entry Plays, at fairs in suburbs of London, to be suppressed by Parliament 
Location London 
26 Dec 1743:22 (527)
London, Sept. 13 . . .  A trumpeter is lately arrived in the
army of the allies, from M. Noailles, with dispatches which
are said to be of great importance; . . . [2 lines] We hear
that a bill will be brought into Parliament next sessions,
for the better government of the suburbs of this city,
suppressing several mob fairs, drolls, and plays, and
cleansing those receptable of thieves and pickpockets, which
are become more infamous than the Long Celler at Amsterdam.

Generic Title New York Weekly Journal 
Date 1743.12.26 
Publisher Zenger, John Peter 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1743 
Bibliography B0031622
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