Citation - New York Weekly Journal: 1748.07.25

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Index Entry Bells, in Maestricht, rung for truce, by mobs 
Location Maestricht 
25 Jul 1748:11 (762)
Maestricht, May 2. O.S.  . . . [7 lines]  The same day at
noon the French caused Te Deum to be sung in the Church of
St. Servais, during all which time some insolent rioters
took several hogsheads of wine out of the cellars that are
under this church, and they did the same in several private
houses. Yesterday was published a suspension of arms, and in
the evening a great number of soldiers and of towns people
gathered together in the Vryth of Square, entered into St.
John's Church, after having forced open the doors, and rung
the bells, play'd upon the organs, tore all the curtains in
the windows, and committed many other outrages.

Generic Title New York Weekly Journal 
Date 1748.07.25 
Publisher Zenger, Catherine 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1748 
Bibliography B0031704
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