Citation |
2 Jan 1749:21 (785)
From the third volume of Dean Swift's Miscellanies, Page 114
A full and true account of the solemn procession to the
gallows, at the execution of William Wood, Esquire, and
hard-ware man. coiner & vender of half-pence of a base
metal, design'd for a currency in Ireland] . . . [50 lines,
including dialogue]
Dancing Master. I'll teach him better manners.
2d Dancing Master. I'll make him cut a caper three story
. . . [After a farmer, 4 taylors, and a basket maker]
Fidler. I'll have him by the ears.
2d Fidler. I'll bang him to some tone.
. . . [28 speakers]
But, at last, the people having received assurances, that
William Wood was neither in the house nor Kingdom, appointed
certain commissioners to hang him in effigie; whereof the
whole ceremony and procession deserve to be transmitted to
posterity. . . [continues]