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14-21 Sep 1767:1394 (1/35)
Philadelphia, September 14. Proposals for opening, this
day, a new circulating library, by Lewis Nicola, in Second-
street, between Race and Vine street, who, besides two and
thee hundred volumes of history, poetry, plays, voyages, &c.
has received by the Ellis, Capt. Egdon, from London, above
one hundred volumes of new books, among which are, --Female
American, Emera for Fair American, Pittborough, Neck or
Nothing, Byron's Voyages, . . . [5 lines]
Subscribers to deposite three pounds, and pay three
dollars a year, each subscriber to receive a catalogue, to
be enlarged as new books will be received. Non-subscribers
to pay the value of the book taken, and pay six-pence in the
week, except Sundays. No person on any account to take more
than one volume at a time.