Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1767.11.23

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Index Entry Actor, Douglass, Mrs, to speak Farewell epilogue after Lying Valet [t] 
Location Philadelphia 
16-23 Nov 1767:1752 (1/44)
By authority. Positively the last night of acting this
This evening, being Monday November 23, will be presented,
at the New Theatre in Southwark, a comedy, called, 
The Clandestine Marriage.
To which will be added, 
The Lying Valet.
   A farewell epilogue, address'd to the ladies, will be
spoken by Mrs. Douglass.
   To begin exactly at half an hour after six o'clock.
----Vivant Rex & Regina.
   Tickets are sold at the London Coffee-House, and at Mrs.
Allyn's, next door but one to the Theatre, where places in
the boxes are to be had.
   Boxes, 7s 6d.  Pit, 5s.  Gallery, 3s.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1767.11.23 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0033389
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