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15-22 Aug 1768:2381 (83)
To the Barbadian, Countryman, Miller, Machiavel, Rabelais,
Fly-flapper, and other party scribblers, who have or may
write against our patriotic and divine Farmer.
I am a man of deeds, not of words.--I carry my argument
at the point of my sword, --I wear a right toledo by my
side, --or should I want it, I can borrow of Mr. O--s the
sword of the spirit.--The King of Great-Britain entertains a
champion.--He challenged the whole world--the whole world
fell before him.--I profess myself champion to the Emperor
of the West. --I am no boaster; yet I am myself an armed
host.--I killed, with the assistance of nineteen more choice
blades, the whole French army upon the plains of Drury-Lane
theatre, in 'Every Man in his humour.'--I patiently received
a severe drubbing--Planet-struck by Jove--Mars and Venus
were then in conjunction.--When men of genius write, men of
valour ought to defend them.--What one is in the cabinet,
the other is in the field.--I throw down my glove--Step
forth Mr. G--y. --I claim your chair, --surrender at
discretion, or--Quos ego! [signed] Captain Bobadil.
Printer! Publish my defiance to the world, or expect my
vengeance--without a recantation. [signed] Bobadil.