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30 Jan-6 Feb 1769:153 (108)
John Gualdo, (in Front-street, next door but one to the Bank
Meeting-House) has for sale, a few violins, German flutes,
guittars, mandolins, spinets, claricords, together with a
variety of music strings, &c. &c. He has also engaged some
able people, who, under his directions, improve and repair
every kind of musical instruments in a neat manner, and on
very reasonable terms---He has in his house a German
gentleman, who teaches to play on the violin, violoncello
and French horn, at Twenty shillings per month---Likewise he
has a servant boy who copies music; therefore if any
gentleman or lady should want a particular song, sonata,
trio, duet, solo, minuet, or country dance, they may be
supplied with, without buying the whole book, in which such
song, sonata, &c. might be printed--He adapts and composes
music for every kind of instrument, as usual---Next October
Mr. Gualdo intends to set off for Europe, where he is going
to transact some particular and advantageous business for
himself and other gentlemen of this town, therefore begs the
favour of every person indebted to him to make a speedy
payment, and, in so doing, they will enable him to discharge
his own debts before he leaves America, for which part of
the world every free man, in his right senses, should have
an everlasting regard, for reasons before now quoted by
gentlemen more learned than the subscriber. [signed] John
N.B. Wanted, an honest young girl, who can work at her
needle, to learn a genteel business, &c. For further
particulars enquire as above.