Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1769.09.18

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Index Entry Alas, poor Clark? How hard his case [fl] 
Location London 
11-18 Sep 1769:2841 (140)
From the London Magazine for March, 1769.
On the Opinion given by the Master, Wardens, and Surgeons,
at their Bail, relating to the Death of Mr. Clark.
   Alas, poor Clark?  how hard his case
   To want, when dead, a resting place:
   But such (howe'er unjust his fall)
   The wise resolves of Surgeons Hall.
   Though breath is stopt, and blood is chill'd, 
   The man that's murder'd is not kill'd. [signed] Bludgeon.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1769.09.18 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0033489
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